Multi-Year Accessibility Plan
Mutli-Year Accessibility Plan
We originally opened as East London Sports back in 1972, and as the name suggests, we were located in the east end of the city. Since then, we’ve had a few other locations in the city of London, including downtown in the former London Mews, and in the north end at the intersection of Western Rd. and Sarnia Rd. before moving to our current location at 406 Wharncliffe Rd. South.
Despite the many changes in our organization, one thing has always remained the same: our goal to be the best in our field in everything that we provide. We strive to be number one in providing customer service and that everybody who enters the store leaves satisfied. Here at London’s Source for Sports, we are committed to excellence in accessibility and customer service based on 4 principles: dignity, independence, integration and equal opportunity. Our Accessible Customer Service Policy can be found on our website.
Although we strive to be the best, we are aware that blind spots exist in providing accessible goods and services. We are committed to continual learning and growing to best meet the needs of our employees and customers. Through active participation, learning, and feedback London’s Source for Sports works hard to remove and prevent barriers to accessibility.
London’s Source for Sports and Source Teamworks are committed to fulfilling our requirements under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005. This accessibility plan outlines the steps we are taking to meet those requirements and to improve opportunities for people with disabilities.
Our plan shows how we will play our role in making Ontario an accessible province for all Ontarians.
The plan is reviewed and updated at least once every 5 years.
Customer Service
Excellence in customer service is our priority and our goal is to ensure that all our customers and staff have barrier-free access to our store. Customer feedback is always welcomed in a variety of ways, including - but not limited to - in-person, over the phone, through email and via our various social media channels. With the feedback received, we at London’s Source for Sports and Source Teamworks are dedicated to review the feedback, provide any follow-up and
create any adjustments if necessary.
Information and Communications
Any information regarding closures, special events, business hours, barriers and other changes have been communicated with the public via physical signage at our store and through our social media channels.
All communications to our store can be done in a variety of methods including in person, over the phone, through email and through our social media channels.
We have recently put more focus on ensuring that accessibility needs are met within our organization, including appointing staff specifically to ensure that the store is aligned with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005.
Here at London’s Source for Sports and Source Teamworks training is continuous and adjusted from the feedback given by customers and employees. Due to this model, all of our staff are aware of the policies and procedures in place so that both employees and customers are properly accommodated at our store.
Design of Public Spaces
Due to the age of our store, it is currently not possible for all floors to be completely accessible (i.e. no elevators), however, we make every effort to ensure that all our product and expertise is available to all. We provide alternative methods of shopping for those who cannot access all of our floors so that it is still accessible. This includes having staff bring product directly to the
customer from another floor and having wide aisles to accommodate assistive devices.
Other public spaces in our store, such as the main entry, are designed with accessibility in mind (i.e. easy access from the parking lot to the main entry with automatic doors). In addition, we have an accessible parking space in our main store parking lot for any customer that may need it.
London’s Source for Sports and Source Teamworks are committed to providing accessible customer service to people with disabilities. This means that we will provide goods, services, and facilities to people with disabilities with the same high quality and timeliness as others.
Customer Service
London’s Source for Sports and Source Teamworks are committed to providing accessible customer service to people with disabilities. This means that we will provide goods, services and facilities to people with disabilities with the same high quality and timeliness as others.
In order to continue to comply with the Customer Service Standard our initiatives are to have better onboarding training, including better timeliness of completion ensuring that all on-boarding training in regards to accessibility is done immediately upon hire, starting June 1st, 2024.
Information and Communications
London’s Source for Sports and Source Teamworks are committed to making our information and communications accessible to people with communities. This includes timely communication of any closures or changes in and around the store that may affect those with disabilities.
Further, with the advent of social media, we will ensure that all of our social media posts are accessible (e.g. captions) for any new posts starting immediately, and to update any old posts with the goal of July 31st, 2024.
We will also train all staff in appropriate methods of communications with those with disabilities with the goal of having all current staff trained in compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 by June 30th, 2024.
London’s Source for Sports and Source Teamworks are committed to fair and accessible employment practices. This includes providing modifications to tasks and duties so that they are appropriate and equitable to those with disabilities, providing workplace information in an accessible format when requested, and creation of accommodation plans that documents how an employee is assessed on an individual basis, how the company can request assistance from an outside
expert, and the steps needed to protect the privacy of the employee’s personal information. The timeline for this is as needed and on an ongoing basis.
London’s Source for Sports and Source Teamworks are committed to providing training in the requirements of Ontario’s accessibility laws and the Ontario Human Rights Code as it applies to people with disabilities.
Our current plan is to have all current staff 100% up to date on their training by June 30th, 2024, and have all new staff trained as part of their on-boarding process starting June 1st, 2024. Further, we plan that all that staff update their AODA training annually.
Design of Public Spaces
London’s Source for Sports and Source Teamworks will meet accessibility standards in accordance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 when making major changes to public spaces.
For More Information
For more information on this plan, please contact:
President of London’s Source for Sports - Colin Hopper
Assistant Manager - Gina Kim
or call us at at (519) 673-3810
Our accessibility plan is publicly posted at:
Standard and accessible formats of this document are free on request from
Gina Kim at or by phone at (519) 673-3810
Revised May 2024